7 月 2 日,科尼完成了对芬兰赫尔辛基港 Vuosaari Multi-Link 码头岸边集装箱起重机部分倒塌的事故调查。
Konecranes has completed its incident investigation into the partial collapse of its STS crane at the Multi-Link terminal in Vuosaari at the Port of Helsinki, Finland on 2 July.
As earlier reported the waterside bogies of the Konecranes widespan STS crane separated from the upper equaliser beam and the crane partially collapsed, resting on its sill beam on the quay. The driver suffered a hand wound in the cabin as the crane fell forward, but there were no serious injuries.
The crane is a large widespan STS crane that was delivered in 2020. It has an outreach of 40m and a rail span of 48m, plus a 20m backreach. As the terminal stacks containers between the crane legs, there is no horizontal portal beam connecting the waterside and landside legs so the crane can travel over the yard stack.
科尼的调查得出结论,事故的根本原因是在岸边集装箱起重机上安装了船型扫描系统后软件通信接口错误。船舶轮廓系统设置不正确,将数据写入与现有大车偏斜控制系统相同的 PLC 控制系统地址。因此,在操作期间,海侧台车收到全速行驶的命令,而陆侧台车则被命令减速,这导致起重机过度倾斜并脱离转向架。这发生在船型扫描系统安装后的一周。
Konecranes’ investigation concluded that the root cause of incident was a software communication interface error after a ship profiling system was installed on the crane. The ship profiling system was set incorrectly to write data to the same PLC control system address as the existing skew control system. As a result of this, during operations the waterside bogies received a command to travel at full speed, while the landside boogies were ordered to slow down, which caused the crane to skew excessively and come off its bogies. This happened the week after the ship profiling software was installed.
岸边集装箱起重机自交付以来表现出过度的摇摆特性,并且结构的灵活性是其倒塌的一个因素。科尼港口起重机的高级副总裁 Jussi Rautiainen 表示,这是不正确的,结构挠度在规定值内。
Rautiainen 表示,该岸边集装箱起重机采用独特的大跨度设计,结构固有频率引起的晃动引起了码头岸边集装箱起重机司机的不满。在事件发生之前,科尼正在与码头合作,通过调整驱动控制和在结构添加斜撑管来解决这个问题。
Rautiainen 强调,在科尼看来,这些措施都不会阻止岸边集装箱起重机因控制不当的大车驱动器施加的力而从海侧台车上脱落。对岸边集装箱起重机的计划改进是为了解决起重机司机的舒适问题,而不是结构问题。
科尼事故的根本原因提出了一个问题,即是否合理假设任何岸边集装箱起重机或任何大型堆场起重机的岸边集装箱起重机结构的设计方式应该是通过门框施加的力导致倒塌,驱动系统是不是不可能?Rautiainen 说,任何标准岸边集装箱起重机或堆场起重机肯定都是这种情况,但具有这种跨度和高度的起重机的尺寸和大车驱动功率需要倾斜控制。作为持续改进分析的一部分,科尼正在为大跨度应用设计备用解决方案,以降低任何歪斜控制故障的严重性。
The crane has now been removed from the terminal and taken by barge to the Konecranes plant in Hanko, Finland. There it will undergo repair work, and improvements to ensure the safety and comfort of the crane drivers.
调查包括对自动化软件和在起重机上安装该软件的过程进行全面审查。这种软件接口错误已被科尼自动化项目的产品管理流程消除,但作为一次性交付,该项目的处理方式有所不同,科尼将解决这一问题。Rautiainen 相信这个问题是一个孤立的事件,因为世界上没有其他采用这种特殊设计的科尼设备在运行。
It is expected to take five to six months to complete the works and bring the crane back into service.