A US Congressman has introduced two bills aiming to stop US ports purchasing Chinese cranes and software, and to fund alternative options and software retrofits.
这两项法案均由佛罗里达州第 26届国会选区的共和党众议员卡洛斯·吉梅内斯 (Carlos A Gimenez) 提交给美国国会。国会议员吉梅内斯是对中国的坚定批评者,也是重新平衡美国外交政策的坚定倡导者,该政策在五个关键领域将美国及其盟友与中国脱钩:国家安全、经济/能源、竞争力、意识形态和技术。
Both bills have been introduced into US Congress by Republican Congressman Carlos A Gimenez from Florida’s 26th Congressional District. Congressman Gimenez is a staunch critic of China, and a strong advocate for a rebalancing of American foreign policy that decouples America and our allies from China in 5 key areas: national security, economy/energy, competitiveness, ideology, and technology.
这位国会议员是迈阿密戴德县的前任市长,该县拥有并经营着迈阿密港,他说他看到中国国有企业如何巧妙地竞标对我们社区和国家重要的基础设施的合同。 他公开表示,迈阿密港的 ZPMC起重机使我们容易受到潜在情况的影响,即中国将有能力获取有关进口产品、我们基础设施状况的信息,并实际上赋予他们能力来控制对我们港口的访问。 2021 年 10 月,国会议员吉梅内斯宣布,他正在制定立法,以解决中国起重机带来的网络安全和其他风险。
The congressman is a former Mayor of Miami-Dade County, which owns and operates the Port of Miami, where he said he saw how state-owned Chinese companies maneuvered to bid on contracts for pieces of infrastructure important to our communities and our nation. He is on record stating the ZPMC cranes at the Port of Miami are making us vulnerable to a potential situation where China would have the ability to access information on the products being imported, the state of our infrastructure, and in effect give them the ability to control access to our port. In October 2021 Congressman Gimenez announced he was working on legislation to addresses cyber security and other risks presented by Chinese cranes.
Two bills have now been introduced. The first is H.R.6487 which proposes a new Port Crane Security and Inspection Act of 2022. This would require the inspection of certain foreign cranes before use at a United States port where they are to be operated at a port determined to be of high risk to port security or maritime transportation security and that connect to the cybersecurity network of such port. Wider than that, The Secretary (which presumably refers to the Secretary of Homeland Security) is required within one year of the bill being enacted to provide a report regarding critical and high-risk foreign crane security vulnerabilities posed by existing or newly constructed foreign cranes within United States ports.
完全就是针对$振华重工(SH600320)$ 《2022年港口起重机安全和检查法案》:自2022年1月25日起禁止美国的对手国出售的港口起重机在美国港口运行。此外,在法律颁布后的五年内,已经在美国的此类起重机的运营商将被要求删除任何该禁令所涵盖的国家制造的、将起重机连接到港口网络基础设施的软件。根据最新《美国港口起重机法》,美国码头运营商将获得一个补助计划来补贴起重能力超过50吨的龙门起重机的80%的费用。
A foreign crane is defined as a crane for which any software or other technology in such crane that is connected into cyber infrastructure at a port located in the United States was, in whole or in part, manufactured by an entity that is owned or controlled by, is a subsidiary of, or is otherwise related legally or financially to a corporation based in a covered foreign country. Covered foreign countries are those that have been identified as a foreign adversary by the intelligence community or the Secretary of Homeland Security.
The bill also includes provisions placing an outright ban on any foreign crane contracted after the date of enactment from operating at a US port, and the continued operation of foreign software on foreign cranes for longer than five years after the date of enactment.
The message is very clear - Congressman Gimenez is seeking to prevent Chinese software, automation systems and other technology from operating on all port cranes in the US.
第二个法案是 HR6488,它提出了一项新的美国港口起重机法案,其目的是建立一项拨款计划,用于采购用于美国港口和其他目的的巨型起重机。巨型起重机被定义为起重能力在50吨以上的集装箱起重机,是非外国起重机。
The second bill is H.R.6488 which proposes a new Port Cranes for America Act, the purpose of which is to establish a grant program for the procurement of megacranes for use at United States ports, and for other purposes. A megacrane is defined as a container crane with a lifting capacity of more than 50 tons that is not a foreign crane.
For this legislation a foreign crane is not limited to the controls and software. It covers any crane manufactured, in whole or in part, by a company (indirectly or directly) controlled by a corporation based in a country that is: identified as a nonmarket economy under the Tariff Act; on a priority watch list identified by the US Trade Representative; and is monitored by the Trade Representative under the Trade Act. Such foreign cranes may not be acquired for operation in the United States.
禁止在中国制造的巨型起重机有效地禁止了 ZPMC,无论控制系统是否由其他供应商提供,例如在查尔斯顿和弗吉尼亚州的 ZPMC岸边集装箱起重机,它们具有 TMEIC 控制系统。这还包括迈阿密港最近的起重机,这些起重机具有 TMEIC 控制装置,并且是在 Gimenez 担任迈阿密戴德县市长时订购的。它似乎不排除科尼,它为中国萨凡纳制造 STS 起重机,但根据外国起重机的定义,它不是一家基于非市场经济的公司。
Banning megacranes manufactured in China effectively bans ZPMC, regardless, it appears, of whether the control system is supplied by another supplier, such as with the ZPMC STS cranes at Charleston and Virginia that have TMEIC control systems. This also includes the most recent cranes at the Port of Miami, which have TMEIC controls and were ordered when Gimenez was Mayor of Miami Dade County. It would not appear to exclude Konecranes, which fabricates STS cranes for Savannah in China, but is a not company based in a non-market economy as per the definition of "foreign crane".
为了抵消此类禁令的成本,该法案建议海事管理局局长应向符合条件的申请人提供赠款,以购买某些在美国港口使用的巨型起重机,这些巨型起重机不得是外国起重机 . 还将拨款用于在《美国港口起重机法》颁布之日之前更换正在使用的巨型起重机上的外国软件。联邦拨款不得超过起重机或软件成本的 80%。
To offset the cost of such a ban the bill proposes that the Administrator of the Maritime Administration shall provide grants to eligible applicants for the procurement of certain megacranes for use at ports located in the United States, which must not be foreign cranes. Grants would also be made to replace foreign software on a megacrane in use before the date of enactment of the Port Cranes for America Act. Federal grants are not to exceed 80% of the cost of the crane or software.
At this stage it is not known whether there is a support to get the bills passed. Neither bill has a cosponsor at this stage. The Port Crane Security and Inspection Act has been referred to the House Committee on Homeland Security while the Port Cranes for America Act has been referred to the Subcommittee on Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation. Congressman Gimenez sits on the House Homeland Security Committee.
两个委员会都将研究这些法案,并决定是否将其送回众议院投票,之后该法案必须通过参议院程序。从历史上看,只有不到 5% 的众议院法案将其纳入法律。
Both committees will study the bills and determine whether to refer it back to the House for a vote, after which the bill would have to clear the senate process. Historically less than 5% of House bills introduced make it into law.